Spilling the Secret
8-16-09 | Tonight I spent an hour on live radio with Dr. Lisa Allen, with whom I spent a delightful hour a month ago talking about The Go-Giver.

8-8-09 | Exactly one year ago, almost to the minute as I write this, Ana and I were being married. Yes, today is our first wedding anniversary — and as fate would have it, we are on opposite sides of the globe!

“A Quite Extraordinarily Good Book”
8-7-09 | In today’s edition of The Washington Times there is a stunning review of A Deadly Misunderstanding by veteran foreign correspondent and three-time Pulitzer nominee Martin Sieff.

Chicago Style
8-3-09 | Once a month I get a treat in my IN box: a link to the latest Q&A entries to The Chicago Manual of Style Online. You might not think answers to readers’ questions about grammar, syntax and formatting would be much fun. But they are.

Ant or Grasshopper?
7-17-09 | Would you rather live as the ant, or the grasshopper? Before we answer that question, perhaps we should question the question.

Peeking Behind the Page
7-15-09 | Yesterday I did the interview with Glenn Garnes (sorry, don’t have a link to it yet), who asked, were the characters in The Go-Giver based on real people, or wholly fictional?
“Half and half,” I told him.

Why Money Is Like Tofu
7-12-09 | Having a fun time doing interviews this week. I don’t usually post my interviews here on the blog, but two in a row nudged me to share them with you.

To Break or to Bend
7-5-09 | Many years ago, I was teaching an adult class in macrobiotic philosophy. After class was over and the students picked themselves up and shambled off to their next class, one woman stayed behind. When the room was empty, she came up to me and said, “You’ve lost a child, haven’t you?”

Two Perspectives
6-28-09 | Every month, I send out an “eLetter” that gives people a brief update on all my book projects, and provides a one-line summary of every blog post from the preceding month.

Compassionate Nursing
6-22-09 | I just had dinner with my mother-in-law. There’s nothing terribly unusual about this; we have dinner every night. But these days, with Ana in Singapore for a few weeks (one week left to go!), when Ana’s daughter isn’t around (as she isn’t tonight), it’s just Sylvia and me. So we chat.