Last Letters
9-21-07 | Exactly one year ago, my dad died. He lived a very long life (he would have turned ninety this April) and a very rich one, too, and was loved by pretty much everyone who ever met him, none the least of which were his three sons (the middle one of which—the baloney in the brother-sandwich—is me).

A Very Personal Intersection
8-11-07 | This week I had to have new photos taken for the back cover flap for The Go-Giver, which is coming out in hardcover right after Christmas.

Instructions in Unctuous Condescension
5-16-07 | I recently received this e-mail from my good friend Scott Ohlgren. First few paragraphs in, I had to go back and re-read carefully to make sure it was a joke. By the time I reached the end I was LOL, as they say. ROTF, in fact. LMAO. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

4-16-07 | Requiem — Last night I took a quiet Sunday night off to watch the film Bobby, Emilo Estevez’s lovingly crafted homage to Bobby Kennedy. I was six days shy of my fifteenth birthday on June 4, 1968.

A Country Without a Man
4-14-07 | So it goes. That’s the three-word refrain that peppers Kurt Vonnegut’s most famous novel, Slaughterhouse-Five (1969), a mantra he drops with laconic grace every time a death occurs in the course of his narrative. Though he famously pledged never to write again after that novel’s publication, he broke his promise time and again–happily for us. His most recent book was a 2005 collection of autobiographical essays entitled A Man Without a Country. Vonnegut died Wednesday at the age of 84.
So it goes.

I resolve . . .
New Year’s resolutions: I will lose no weight whatsoever in 2007. I have no plans to join a fitness club in 2007. I cannot say with any conviction that I will become a better person in 2007. But in 2007, I am completely overhauling my web site — starting right now....