Larry King on Code to Joy

Larry King on Code to Joy

4-3-12 | Today is the day: Code to Joy is on the bookshelves! And in honor of its launch, I thought I’d share with you an excerpt from the foreword that Larry King so graciously provided us.

Stefanie’s Answer

Stefanie’s Answer

3-25-12 | A few days ago I wrote about “Stefanie’s question,” which drives the new book, Code to Joy, and promised to tell you what became of Stephanie. To do that, we need to take a quick detour back to the age of dinosaurs.

The Question

The Question

3-23-12 | Our new book Code to Joy starts with a question that came from a woman named Stefanie. It was a really, really good question.

My Fog of Distress

My Fog of Distress

3-20-12 | I used to have this problem. It’s going to sound crazy, but it’s true. I had road direction anxiety. Not road rage … more like road haze.

The Fog of Distress

The Fog of Distress

3-15-12 | Imagine you are standing just outside your home, surrounded by a dense fog, so thick you can’t see the other side of the street in front of you. You look to the right, then to the left, but you cannot see more than fifty feet in any direction. You are surrounded.

Turned Tables

Turned Tables

9-8-11 | After twenty-one and a half years of being a journalist chronicling the development of the network marketing world and writing about its successful leaders, I just for the very first time switched seats and became the interviewee, rather than interviewer. Yup: one of the journals I write for has done a cover story on me rather than by me.

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