Put Your Good Stuff Up Front

I was on the phone today with an author. We’re writing a book together. His original outline was structured in two parts: Part I taught a set of laws, and was called “Principles.” Part II was called “Practices.” Aha, there was the problem right there: thinking that...

Work It, Baby

This week Alabama blogger Mark Clement posted a brief and very nice review of The Go-Giver. (BTW, so did MJ DeMarco’s well-read blog “The FastLane to Millions.”) As I scrolled through Mark’s most recent few entries, I noticed the one below, and just had to pass it on....

Mendelssohn’s Dairy

I’m working on the transcript of an interview I conducted with Bob Burg, for a story in a forthcoming edition of Networking Times. At one point, talking about maintaining the proper mental posture while asking for referrals, Bob says, “In a very posturized,...

Love and Residual

A few weeks ago, I got a check in the mail for $404.79. But before I tell you what it was for, I have to digress. It has to do with my dad. My dad was born in Germany and emigrated to the United States during the war. Before leaving his homeland at the age of...

The Huffington Post Says I Have a Beautiful Wife

Earlier this year I was interviewed by humorist, author and columnist Lisa Earle-McLeod. Author of the book Forget Perfect — Finding Grace When You Can’t Even Find Clean Underwear, Lisa is hysterical and quite delightful. (Check out her site and her “Perfect Minute”...

Photographic Memory

It’s official: the wedding pictures are up for viewing on their own web site. Here are my bride and me, in the church… … and on our way … … into the sunset. The entire album is worth viewing — our intrepid team of photographers, led by the redoubtable John...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
