Honoring the Illustrious Mister Maxwell

Honoring the Illustrious Mister Maxwell

1-31-11 | You may remember that last April, Bob Burg and I presented the great, legendary speaker Zig Ziglar with the very first Annual Go-Giver’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Meaning of Oops

The Meaning of Oops

1-18-11 | You may have seen the trailer for the movie “127 Hours,” the true-life story of Aron Ralston who, while hiking out in the starkly beautiful and forbidding desert landscape of Utah gets himself stuck in a deep, narrow canyon, a fallen boulder pinning his arm so tightly that he cannot get out.

A Man of Insight

A Man of Insight

12-16-10 | About five years ago, I met an extraordinary man named Daniel Burrus.

Baby’s First Cry

Baby’s First Cry

12-11-10 | I just finished writing a book. Just this moment put the period on the final sentence. Just now.

Blessed Fragility

Blessed Fragility

11-15-10 | It’s always good to find new things to be grateful for. Today, the thing I’m most grateful for is that Ana is here with me in Massachusetts for a few days … and that she is alive.

In the Rough

In the Rough

11-5-10 | I’m in that place again. Knee-deep, waist-deep, neck-deep in the writing process, smack dab in the hardest part — the part where it feels like there’s nothing there, and like nothing will ever be there, that it’s a big gaping void, an unfillable hole, blank white pieces of paper that will refuse to be productively written upon no matter what I do.

The Vexations of Evangelist King Mann

The Vexations of Evangelist King Mann

10-11-10 | Have you encountered those online articles that people write in foreign languages and then put through a translation filter? They’re pretty hilarious.



8-8-10 | Two years ago today, I did one of the smartest things I’ve ever done in my life: I married Ana. You’ve heard the cliché — the one about how good it is when the person you’re in love with is also your best friend? Turns out, in addition to being a cliché, it’s also true.

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