Honoring the Illustrious Mister Maxwell
1-31-11 | You may remember that last April, Bob Burg and I presented the great, legendary speaker Zig Ziglar with the very first Annual Go-Giver’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Meaning of Oops
1-18-11 | You may have seen the trailer for the movie “127 Hours,” the true-life story of Aron Ralston who, while hiking out in the starkly beautiful and forbidding desert landscape of Utah gets himself stuck in a deep, narrow canyon, a fallen boulder pinning his arm so tightly that he cannot get out.

A Man of Insight
12-16-10 | About five years ago, I met an extraordinary man named Daniel Burrus.

Baby’s First Cry
12-11-10 | I just finished writing a book. Just this moment put the period on the final sentence. Just now.

Blessed Fragility
11-15-10 | It’s always good to find new things to be grateful for. Today, the thing I’m most grateful for is that Ana is here with me in Massachusetts for a few days … and that she is alive.

That Difficult, Impalpable Muse
11-8-10 | You people are so sweet and thoughtful.

In the Rough
11-5-10 | I’m in that place again. Knee-deep, waist-deep, neck-deep in the writing process, smack dab in the hardest part the part where it feels like there’s nothing there, and like nothing will ever be there, that it’s a big gaping void, an unfillable hole, blank white pieces of paper that will refuse to be productively written upon no matter what I do.

The Vexations of Evangelist King Mann
10-11-10 | Have you encountered those online articles that people write in foreign languages and then put through a translation filter? They’re pretty hilarious.

8-8-10 | Two years ago today, I did one of the smartest things I’ve ever done in my life: I married Ana. You’ve heard the cliché the one about how good it is when the person you’re in love with is also your best friend? Turns out, in addition to being a cliché, it’s also true.

Are You Found Wanting?
7-6-10 | I’ve been thinking lately about Mick Jagger and the Book of Daniel.