New York Times Bestselling Author & Entrepreneur


A parable (Shawshank Redemption meets Book of Job)

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Chief Finn is back, in his most suspenseful thriller yet!

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A sequel to the blockbuster Barry Award-nominated thriller Steel Fear

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What I Do

I have a passion for great writing. Excellence is one of my most cherished core values.

The exquisite beauty of a powerful idea expressed in words, whether through a single sentence or a 700-page novel, is something that has stirred my soul since as long as I can remember.

So . . . What I do: I search out transformational ideas and stories and bring them to life in words.



P.S. To get monthly updates on my latest books, click here.

P.P.S. To have a peek at my wedding pictures from 8-8-08, click here (and to read our vows, click here).

Music to Heal Humanity

Music to Heal Humanity

3-23-09 | A friend (Josephine Gross from Networking Times) sent me this amazing speech that’s been kicking around the Internet. I wanted to post it here, so I wrote to the author, Dr. Karl Paulnack, Director of the Music Division at Boston Conservatory (where, as it happens, my grandmother went to school).

Being Heard

Being Heard

3-16-09 | My office is downstairs in our house; directly above me is the living room, at the edge of which is the location of the food and water dishes of our inimitable seven-pound poodle, Ben.

Mission: Change Lives

Mission: Change Lives

3-9-09 | People have been asking me, “What kind of impact is the state of the economy having on the publishing world? And what kind of impact does it have on writers?” It’s a good news / bad news situation.

Teaching a Generation of Go-Givers

Teaching a Generation of Go-Givers

3-1-09 | We recently learned that Don Gandy, a public high school principal in Valparaiso, Indiana, and his friend Randy Stelter, an athletic coach and English teacher, have decided to do a team-taught reading of The Go-Giver to their high school senior class and give out copies to every one of the school’s 145 seniors.


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