New York Times Bestselling Author & Entrepreneur


A parable (Shawshank Redemption meets Book of Job)

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Chief Finn is back, in his most suspenseful thriller yet!

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A sequel to the blockbuster Barry Award-nominated thriller Steel Fear

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What I Do

I have a passion for great writing. Excellence is one of my most cherished core values.

The exquisite beauty of a powerful idea expressed in words, whether through a single sentence or a 700-page novel, is something that has stirred my soul since as long as I can remember.

So . . . What I do: I search out transformational ideas and stories and bring them to life in words.



P.S. To get monthly updates on my latest books, click here.

P.P.S. To have a peek at my wedding pictures from 8-8-08, click here (and to read our vows, click here).

A Novel in Need of a Name

A Novel in Need of a Name

“A deserted city street. The distant ruckus of drunken revelers, laughter, Christmas carol fragments. Under the faint glow of street lights a flurry of snowflakes drifts to the frigid cobblestone surface, then swirls aside as a girl’s bare feet sprint past…” These are the opening words of my next novel. We have the first 12 pages and a plot. What we don’t have is a title. Any suggestions?



One year ago, all we had was a manuscript. A title followed by 100,000 words. Now we’re publishing our first novel, with this quote from Lee Child (of Jack Reacher fame) on the front cover: “An instant classic—maybe an instant legend.” Which goes to show: When you have someone who believes in you wholeheartedly and without reservation, there is no mountain you can’t climb.

Mystery on a Floating City

Mystery on a Floating City

It was two years ago today, on a cold Tuesday morning, when I set foot on board the USS Abraham Lincoln, a warship roughly the size of the Empire State Building lying on its side that carries some six thousand men and women. What if one of them was a serial killer? That’s what I was there to find out.


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