New York Times Bestselling Author & Entrepreneur


A parable (Shawshank Redemption meets Book of Job)

Amazon Hardcover/Paperback Barnes & Noble Indiebound

Chief Finn is back, in his most suspenseful thriller yet!

Amazon Hardcover/Paperback Barnes & Noble Indiebound

A sequel to the blockbuster Barry Award-nominated thriller Steel Fear

Amazon Hardcover/Paperback Barnes & Noble Indiebound


What I Do

I have a passion for great writing. Excellence is one of my most cherished core values.

The exquisite beauty of a powerful idea expressed in words, whether through a single sentence or a 700-page novel, is something that has stirred my soul since as long as I can remember.

So . . . What I do: I search out transformational ideas and stories and bring them to life in words.



P.S. To get monthly updates on my latest books, click here.

P.P.S. To have a peek at my wedding pictures from 8-8-08, click here (and to read our vows, click here).

Transcendent, Double-Chocolate, Organic Premium Vintage Partners

Transcendent, Double-Chocolate, Organic Premium Vintage Partners

6-11-09 | Working on plans for the next book in the Go-Giver series (it’s coming — not till next spring, but it’s coming!), I just had an exchange with the wonderful Adrienne Schultz, our editor at Portfolio, the brilliant publishing house (an imprint of Penguin) who publishes The Go-Giver.

Musings on Money

Musings on Money

6-9-09 | Dixie Gillaspie, a good friend and Go-Giver trainer, just wrote me an email about money, in which she talked about growing with a father who was a product of the Great Depression, and growing into a sort of loathing of and resistance to money that she (like many of us, okay, most of us) has struggled to overcome.


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