The Start of Something Big
This is a book Ana and I have been dreaming of writing for 17 years. It is our love letter to the world.
What I Do
I have a passion for great writing. Excellence is one of my most cherished core values.
The exquisite beauty of a powerful idea expressed in words, whether through a single sentence or a 700-page novel, is something that has stirred my soul since as long as I can remember.
So . . . What I do: I search out transformational ideas and stories and bring them to life in words.
P.S. To get monthly updates on my latest books, click here.
P.P.S. To have a peek at my wedding pictures from 8-8-08, click here (and to read our vows, click here).

Death of a Habit
I smoked for twenty-eight years. Since I was a solid pack-a-day guy for more or less that entire time, this translates into ten thousand, two hundred twenty-seven packs (including leap years). One day, I decided to quit.

Pindar in the Classroom
Students in classrooms around the globe, absorbing the lessons of Pindar’s Paradox: The more you give, the more you have. I can’t think of anything more gratifying.

The Gorgeous Moment
That first step, the part of writing a story where there are no sentences and paragraphs yet, the part where there is only the empty blankness of the page, that is by far the hardest part. It’s also my favorite part.

Angels of Our Better Nature
In the photo above, taken circa 1952, you see that boy in the middle? The one who looks so happy and carefree? He isn’t. He’s terrified. How do I know this? Because I’ve spent the last year working with him on his story. People have asked me, what’s it like to write...
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