A SEAL Says Goodbye … Again

A few months ago I posted an open letter, reprinted from the New York Times, by my friend and Red Circle coauthor Brandon Webb, saying goodbye to his best friend Glen Doherty, who was killed in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012. Today Brandon’s writing appeared in that same...

The Love of a Dog

Last night, for no particular reason, I was suddenly seized with the impulse to go read Neil Gaiman’s blog. Now I know why. Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite writers: a gentle, kind soul wrapped within a brilliant creative personality and wicked sense of humor. (I...

This Just In: Words Matter

My friend Bob Burg and I share something in common: we really dislike it when people say things that just ain’t so. Especially in print, or from positions of influence where their words are liable to be passed on widely. Like the old statistic that says, “7 percent of...

Diary of a Writer…

Working on a piece about happiness and positive thinking. Today, have to write a section on rumination. Been thinking about it all day… Tomorrow: catastrophic thinking. Ohmigod, just occurred to me: what if I start, and my mind is a complete blank?!

A Goodbye Letter

A moving tribute/essay by my Red Circle coauthor Brandon Webb appeared today on the New York Times blog, “At War.” The piece is entitled “A Letter to My Friend Glen Doherty.” Brandon and Glen were, as you know from my last post, SEAL Team 3 comrades and sniper...

Et Lux Perpetua Luceat Eis…

There is an email in my IN box, from five days ago, from Glen Doherty, author and ex–Navy SEAL. He was working on editorial notes for a manuscript I’d done some work on. Thank you for all your efforts. I see where you’ve jumped into the writing, and all’s well....
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
