Another Lesson from My Mom

I’ve had more response from my last post, “Lessons from My Mom on Staying Young Forever,” than just about any other post I’ve written. I so wish she were here to see all these books being published, one after the other. She would doubtless have a caustic and hilarious...

Lessons from My Mom on Staying Young Forever

My mom’s birthday is this coming Thursday (she would have been 78), so this seemed the right time to post a piece inspired by her. This occurred to me this morning, when Ana said, “I was just thinking how grateful I am to your mom.” When I asked why, she said,...

Last Letters

Exactly one year ago, my dad died. He lived a very long life (he would have turned ninety this April) and a very rich one, too, and was loved by pretty much everyone who ever met him, none the least of which were his three sons (the middle one of which—the baloney in...

A Very Personal Intersection

This week I had to have new photos taken for the back cover flap for The Go-Giver, which is coming out in hardcover right after Christmas. So: two day ago, Ana calls a local photographer (whom neither of us has ever met before) and makes a date for the next day. The...

Instructions in Unctuous Condescension

I recently received this e-mail from amy good friend Scott Ohlgren. First few paragraphs in, I had to go back and re-read carefully to make sure it was a joke. By the time I reached the end I was LOL, as they say. ROTF, in fact. LMAO. I hope you enjoy it as much as I...


Last night I took a quiet Sunday night off to watch the film Bobby, Emilo Estevez’s lovingly crafted homage to Bobby Kennedy. The entire film takes place on June 4, 1968, tracing the lives of various “ordinary” people in the Ambassador Hotel, spinning a dozen or so of...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
