Mattering Matters

In this fascinating interview I had recently with Secret Language of Money coauthor David Krueger [note: name and email login required], Dave said this wonderful thing that I had to stop and think about: I believe the most basic motivation we have as human beings is...

Listening = Loving

Chelle O’Connell, a friend and Go-Giver reader, wrote to us over at the Go-Giver blog with this observation: After 25 years of marriage, I realized that there is more than one meaning for the word listen. My ex-husband frequently said, “You aren’t listening to me.” I...

Spilling the Secret

Tonight I spent an hour on live radio with Dr. Lisa Allen, with whom I spent a delightful hour a month ago talking about The Go-Giver. Tonight, though, we were talking about The Secret Language of Money. I got to talk about: why money is like food (hint: it should be...


Exactly one year ago, almost to the minute as I write this, Ana and I were being married. Yes, today is our first wedding anniversary — and as fate would have it, we are on opposite sides of the globe! It couldn’t be helped: Ana’s in Singapore speaking at an...

“A Quite Extraordinarily Good Book”

I don’t typically print other people’s reviews of my books in my blog. But for this one, an exception. In today’s edition of The Washington Times there is a wonderful review of A Deadly Misunderstanding by veteran foreign correspondent (and three-time Pulitzer...

Chicago Style

Once a month I get a treat in my IN box: a link to the latest Q&A entries to The Chicago Manual of Style Online. You might not think answers to readers’ questions about grammar, syntax and formatting would be much fun. But they are. I spend $30 a year for my...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
