Picture This

A while back I wrote about the Law of Left Field, which describes how things and events of great value come to you suddenly and from places you never expected. “Out of left field,” as the expression goes. Here is an example of that, and of how powerful it can be when...


This is the toughest part. Last summer I worked on an amazing book project, a memoir of a well-known public figure who struggled privately for decades with addiction and alcoholism, even as he lived publicly in the limelight of television and politics, and who...


When water turns ice does it remember one time it was water? When ice turns back into water does it remember it was ice? — Carl Sandburg I’m reading a remarkable novel right now, The Bone Clocks, by David Mitchell (same dude who wrote Cloud Atlas). In it there’s a...

A New Year, A Blank Page

Reading the novelist John Irving’s memoir The Imaginary Girlfriend, I recently came upon this passage, which seems to me to speak volumes about the business of facing the infinite possibilities of a new year or, for that matter, each new day: The wonderful and...


This time of year, with the advent of Christmas approaching, I think about infants and the state of being childlike. Put aside the specific religious associations for the moment: the celebration of nativity seems to stir something inside, something primal, mysterious,...

Your Favorite Reading Experience of 2014

Every week Barnes and Noble emails out a newsletter called Review that almost always features tidbits that catch my interest. This week’s edition included a piece entitled “Words of the Year: The Best Things They Read in 2014.” The question they posed to their panel...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
