The Start of Something Big

It was a stormy, atmospheric day, the sort of day where you can feel deep shifts in the wind, the birth of new things stirring. Ana and I got married that day, and it was anyone’s guess whether thunder would slide in and drown out the heavenly music we’d picked out....

My Dinner with José

“Crime writers are the nicest people in the world.” I’ve been hearing this for years. Over the past few months, with the launch of Steel Fear, I’ve had the unabated delight of discovering that it’s perfectly true. I don’t think I’ve ever felt quite so immediately and...

On the Hot Seat

“Crime writers are the nicest people.” So I’ve heard, time and time again, and over the weeks and months surounding the launch of Steel Fear I’ve found it to be the absolute truth. Nowhere is this more evident than in the exceptionally generous and gregarious...

What’s a Nice Guy Like Me Doing in a Homicidal Place Like This?

This essay originally appeared on July 14, 2021, in CrimeReads, the online suspense magazine. If you enjoy it, I encourage you to view it in its original published form — and consider subscribing to CrimeReads! (It’s free, seriously informative, and immensely...

The Heroes Behind the Pages

For the past six months I’ve used this blog space as a chance to give you some behind-the-scenes looks at the process that went into writing Steel Fear, and to explore critical elements of plot, character, and theme. Today marks the one-week countdown till our on-sale...

No Such Thing as a “Minor Character”

When I was 14 my family moved to another state for a single year (my dad was on sabbatical). During that year I went to another school. For that entire twelve months, I felt invisible. I’d left all my friends behind, didn’t know anyone in this new place, and felt like...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
