Hold Your Hats!

Hold Your Hats!

If you want to write a song, or a poem, or a book? To start a business, a project, a relationship? To live a life? Here’s how I think it may work.

A Leader’s Legacy

A Leader’s Legacy

Pindar asked if there were any questions, and the young man in the row behind me raised his hand. I turned to look at him, and saw an expression of eagerness, self-consciousness, determination, and fluster, all in roughly equal measure. A mix Pindar had seen many times before, no doubt.

Leadership That Pulls

Leadership That Pulls

There are two kinds of leadership: a style of leadership that pushes, and a kind that pulls. Guess which one moves people further?

Giving Leadership

Giving Leadership

Because there are two kinds of leadership. You can take leadership. Or you can *give* leadership.



It took Jack Roy three long decades of heartache, depression, struggle, and repeated failure to reach the far shores of career success, and he nearly drowned many times during the swim across.

A Remedy for Termites

A Remedy for Termites

Assumptions, said Henry Winkler, are the termites of relationships. The best known remedy: ask for clarification.

The Laughing Universe

The Laughing Universe

When you loose the bonds of everyday distraction and slip deep into the ocean of possibility that surrounds us, you magnetize what you visualize. Sometimes the results are flat out hilarious.

Love Song

Love Song

Every creative act is a love song, whether its result is sixty-two times more massive than the sun or as weightless as a few words of heartfelt encouragement to a friend.

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure

Writing, like living, requires these three attributes: the courage to throw down mud onto the page, the honesty to recognize it as mud, and the humility to revise and rework it.

Not a Stranger

Not a Stranger

When I was fourteen I spent a year being depressed. It turned out to be a precious gift.

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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
