Sing it!
6-7-10 | There is a catbird who hangs out on the street light right outside my home office window.
The Go-Giver Scrapbook
5-31-10 | In our Introduction to Go-Givers Sell More, Bob Burg and I tried an experiment: we pre-announced a web site that didn’t yet exist.
A Poet of the Cello
1-20-10 | When I was a kid, there was a boy I knew in the class two grades above me (he was two years older). I knew him because we were both faculty kids: his dad was the music teacher, and my mom taught fifth grade, as well as some music and theater.
What’s Your Favorite Book?
1-4-10 | I just spent an hour as a guest on a conference call for Spencer Reynolds’s wonderful reading group, Book Readers Club
12-27-09 | Some of you will remember a post I wrote last summer, when Ana was traveling the globe and I sat at home on our deck in central Massachusetts, eating good meals and watching the garden with Ana’s mom, Sylvia.
Exit the Lightning Bug
12-10-09 | What a feeling: elation, exuberance, exhilaration! For the last few weeks, I’ve been working on a chapter. One chapter. I mean, one chapter, for weeks — that’s plural, more than one, weeks!
Movies on the Page
11-19-09 | I’m reading Malcolm Gladwell’s new collection, What the Dog Saw, and just had to stop to comment. It’s no wonder this guy’s books seem to defy the laws of gravity, hovering at the top of the New York Times hardcover nonfiction bestseller lists for dozens of months on end without visible means of support. The man can write.
What I’m Reading
11-15-09 | I’ve thought about doing this for years, but never got around to it before: noting down which books I’ve read recently. I think I “never got around to it” because it always seemed a bit self-indulgent, like declaiming to the world what I ate for breakfast: who cares? But I’ve had a change of heart.
Mattering Matters
9-22-09 | In this fascinating interview I had recently with Secret Language of Money coauthor David Krueger [note: name and email login required], Dave said this wonderful thing that I had to stop and think about
Listening = Loving
9-3-09 | Chelle O’Connell, a friend and Go-Giver reader, wrote to us over at the Go-Giver blog with this observation: “After 25 years of marriage, I realized that there is more than one meaning for the word listen.”