Et Lux Perpetua Luceat Eis…

Et Lux Perpetua Luceat Eis…

9-13-12 | There is an email in my IN box, from five days ago, from Glen Doherty, author and ex-Navy SEAL. He was working on editorial notes for a manuscript I’d done some work on.

Best Friends

Best Friends

8-25-12 | A few weeks ago, Ana and I celebrated the fourth anniversary of our wedding day. This was not as easy as it might sound. You see, up to that point we had been batting only about .333 on anniversaries together.

Writing from the Inside

Writing from the Inside

8-5-12 | The other night Ana and I drove a few hours to go hear two of the UK’s finest mystery writers, Sophie Hannah and Tana French, read from their newest novels and answer questions. They were both amazing — personable, hilarious, generous, brimming over with intriguing insights into their own processes.

Back to the Machete

Back to the Machete

8-3-12 | I’m writing a book. Have been for weeks. Up until today, it’s felt like I was wielding a machete, hacking my way through gigantic hostile jungle plants as I made my way deeper and deeper into a dark, unknown forest.

Seeing Comes First

Seeing Comes First

5-6-12 | In 1999, I lived for a brief time in an apartment about a block from a Barnes & Noble bookstore. I used to go over there every day or two to and stand at the front racks, imagining that there was a book with my name on it right on the front table.

Quotes and Truths

Quotes and Truths

5-5-12 | A friend just sent me a copy of a book entitled Attitude Is Everything, by Jeff Keller. The subtitle reads, “Change Your Attitude … Change Your Life!” and the book’s introduction leads off with this famous quotation:

Philosophy in a Nutshell

Philosophy in a Nutshell

4-18-12 | I love coming up with epigraphs, those little quotes, snippets of inspirational verse, bits of lyrics, or lines from a film that authors sometimes stick up at the top of chapters, like philosophical Post-it Notes, to set a certain tone or theme.

An Unexpected Totem

An Unexpected Totem

4-9-12 | Here is that passage I promised, from the last part of chapter 1 of The Red Circle (which launches tomorrow). First let’s set the stage:

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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
