The Law of Left Field

The Law of Left Field

A few weeks ago I posted a piece called “Bigger on the Inside,” about C.S. Lewis and why The Last Battle, the cosmically inspired conclusion to his Narnia Chronicles, rocked my world when I was nine. At the end of that piece I included a link to an article of mine...

Among Heroes

Among Heroes

After writing The Red Circle, my Navy SEAL sniper buddy Brandon and I were planning to write a follow-up book on sniper training and field experiences. But then something came up. Brandon had an idea for a different type of memoir, this one not about him but about...

Giving Family Thanks

Giving Family Thanks

There’s a running joke in our culture about Thanksgiving, that it’s that time of year when all the members of the extended family come together — and drive each other crazy. It’s a great set-up for comedic vignettes and stand-up punch lines. And for sure, there’s...

Jousting the Dragon

Jousting the Dragon

Working on the very early stages of a new book — the stage where nothing is clear yet, and my brain feels like it’s trying to catch rays of light with a fishnet. This is extremely uncomfortable. From time to time (like every ten minutes) I have to get up from my...

Course Correction

Course Correction

11-11-14 | Nobody knows your path in life better than you do. Nobody, that is, except the rest of the universe.

Failure Is the Only Option

Failure Is the Only Option

Finishing up work on Among Heroes, my next book with my Navy SEAL sniper buddy Brandon Webb, getting it ready for its release this coming May. A scene late in the book gives us a chance to talk about what it means to fail. It takes place at a tournament for top high...

Bigger on the Inside

Bigger on the Inside

10-26-14 | The day I read the final page of the Narnia chronicles marked the end of my childhood and beginning of something else. My adulthood, I suppose.

The Ordinary Moment

The Ordinary Moment

10-21-14 | The doorway to “perfect just as it is” lies just inches away, and we step through it again in every moment.

Death and Birth

Death and Birth

10-14-14 | In my eulogy for Sylvia, Ana’s mom, at her memorial service, I shared my views on how death happens. It’s like this.

The Meaning of Memories

The Meaning of Memories

9-30-14 | What is your favorite sound? Mine is a train whistle in the distance. As a kid, I used to lie awake at night, hearing it in the distance, hauntingly beautiful, like the mating call of an ancient and extinct species of giant bird or mythical airborne whale.

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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
