The Vexations of Evangelist King Mann

October 11, 2010

Have you encountered those online articles that people write in foreign languages and then put through a translation filter? They’re pretty hilarious.

For example.

In the one I excerpt below, the writer mentioned my name … sort of. Ready for this chain of logic?

  • John = author of the fourth Gospel = Evangelist
  • David = slayer of Goliath, Saul’s successor to the throne of Israel = king
  • Mann (evidently made it intact through translation).

Thus I became Evanglist king Mann. I shall have to start signing documents after this fashion: Sincerely yours, Evangelist King Mann.

Here’s the excerpt.

The most essential conception of this accumulation is to advert that relation is implicit, message that it is implied, it’s not something you should call discover on. If my edge said, “Gee, I brought in your barrels they added day, what are you feat to do for me?”, then that’s not reciprocity, that is negotiation. That is not what we are conversation about. We are conversation most doing things for grouping that module support them, because commonly it comes backwards to you and commonly it comes backwards modify more than what you’ve given.

If you’ve ever feature the aggregation the “The Go Giver”, I highly propose you production it up, by Bob Berg and Evangelist king Mann, it is a large aggregation most the Law of Reciprocity in essence. In this portion housing we are using this accumulation to intend the prizewinning discover of our income grouping or for your income managers to ingest this accumulation to intend the prizewinning discover of their income reps. So sort 2 in our proven methods to establishing consortium is:

Let the Sales Rep verify every of the assign for every of the beatific stuff. Harry President said, “People ever action substantially if you don’t vexation most who takes the credit.”

I don’t think I could have said it better myself. In fact, I don’t think I could have said it, period.

I was not able to track down the author of this passage.

But that’s okay. As Harry President said, people ever action substantially if you don’t vexation most who takes the credit!


  1. Josephine Gross

    This is hilarious. It makes me think of the time when I was a French teacher and had to grade papers, some of which had been through the translator mill. Speaking of mill, one of those papers was on the Moulin Rouge, a Parisian monument. It took me a while to figure it out, because the title was “Le Moulin Fard a Joue” (the blush powder mill).

  2. jdmann

    Aha! I just found the original blog post! It was evidently writte by a dude named Ralph Burns, and I found it on the site AutoPilot.

    And you know what? It’s in completely normal English!

    In fact, if you scroll down, you’ll find the reference to Bob, me … and Harry Truman.


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