Deep as an Ocean

A guest post from my wife, Ana Gabriel Mann, on milk, soup, and love as deep as an ocean. This morning I awoke to realize that the milk was spoiled. We had bought the milk to make my mom’s favorite homemade tomato soup, from a recipe that her mother, my grandmother,...

To Change a Nation

Can one woman with a courageous heart and entrepreneurial passion change a nation? Before answering that question, let me back up eighteen months. In November 2012 I received an email from a Lithuanian woman named Neringa Oboleviciute, then living in London. Neringa...

Your Dog Is Right

Do you sometimes worry that you’re a fraud? That secretly, you are not as capable, or as smart, or skillful, or honest, or noble, or whatever, as people (especially the people who matter to you) think you are? Let me ask it this way: Have you ever had a dream where...

Diving Off a Cliff

Today I started writing a book. This morning when I woke up I had no idea how it started. It’s a book about a well-known CEO (alas, can’t reveal the name just now) whose story I’ve been struggling to figure out exactly how to tell. Today in the shower a thought came...

Finding Time

My father was a university professor, music scholar, and choral conductor, and very active in all three careers. He had an office at home where he worked on manuscripts and corrected papers. He loved his work, and had a lot of it. But as a child, every time I went to...

Fiat Lux

You know how a baby’s smile lights up a room? It’s as if there’s some vast light source hidden behind a screen, and that little round face is a tiny window letting a smidgeon of the billions of gigawatts out there spill into the room we’re occupying. You don’t have to...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
