Mission: Change Lives

People have been asking me, “What kind of impact is the state of the economy having on the publishing world? And what kind of impact does it have on writers?” It’s a good news / bad news situation. When the economic ax started falling on Wall Street last fall, the...

Teaching a Generation of Go-Givers

We recently learned that Don Gandy, a public high school principal in Valparaiso, Indiana, and his friend Randy Stelter, an athletic coach and English teacher, have decided to do a team-taught reading of The Go-Giver to their high school senior class and give out...

Deer Diary

Something is moving in the snow-dappled bushes outside my office window. I know it’s there, because I glimpsed movement — but I can’t see any clear shape: To me, this is what the core idea of a new book looks like, when you’re sitting in front of an empty page (or...

Thank Heavens for Second Drafts

Still at work on The Secret Language of Money, and I unexpectedly found the opportunity to employ a few more of my favorite quotes on writing. Dave Krueger, my coauthor, is writing about a remarkable study in the UK on how varying one’s habitual ways of doing almost...

Up from the Abysm of Pish

Yesterday was Inauguration Day, and we heard some fine speechifying. I thought I’d honor the day by collecting some of my favorite quotes on writing and including them here. Given that we now have a president known for his eloquence, it seemed appropriate to...

Thoughts Are Turkeys

It’s snowing. I look out the window and see nothing but a white blankness, the indistinct motion of flurries, and the stark, hazy outlines of branches and thickets. It reminds me of something, but what? Hazy outlines … indistinct motion … white blankness....
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
