Creating a Person

You and I have a lot more in common than you might think. We are both involved in the same act of magic. I’ve been ruminating lately about what it’s like to write fiction. I’ve spent most of my life not being a published writer, so this whole “author” thing is...

Ripples on the Pond

This morning I woke up with a new novel in my head. Okay, not the whole novel. Just the first paragraph. People say I shot my daddy because I was so scared of him. But that’s not how it was. You don’t shoot someone cause you’re afraid of him. You shoot him cause you...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
