A New Year, A Blank Page

Reading the novelist John Irving’s memoir The Imaginary Girlfriend, I recently came upon this passage, which seems to me to speak volumes about the business of facing the infinite possibilities of a new year or, for that matter, each new day: The wonderful and...


This time of year, with the advent of Christmas approaching, I think about infants and the state of being childlike. Put aside the specific religious associations for the moment: the celebration of nativity seems to stir something inside, something primal, mysterious,...

Your Favorite Reading Experience of 2014

Every week Barnes and Noble emails out a newsletter called Review that almost always features tidbits that catch my interest. This week’s edition included a piece entitled “Words of the Year: The Best Things They Read in 2014.” The question they posed to their panel...

The Law of Left Field

A few weeks ago I posted a piece called “Bigger on the Inside,” about C.S. Lewis and why The Last Battle, the cosmically inspired conclusion to his Narnia Chronicles, rocked my world when I was nine. At the end of that piece I included a link to an article of mine...

Among Heroes

After writing The Red Circle, my Navy SEAL sniper buddy Brandon and I were planning to write a follow-up book on sniper training and field experiences. But then something came up. Brandon had an idea for a different type of memoir, this one not about him but about...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
