The Art of Savoring

A few days ago I wrote about savoring. It’s worth writing more. One of the great “hidden” truths of happiness is this: when it comes to creating more happiness in our lives, the biggest difference is made by the smallest, simplest things. I like to bring my wife, Ana,...


Much of what I’ve learned about the ability to savor life’s delicious moments, whenever and wherever they occur, came from my mother. This includes the capacity to savor food, music, irony, humor, the absurd, the profound … and the conscious spending of money, even...

A Day in the Life

“Well what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today.” — Phil Connors (Bill Murray) in Groundhog Day Are you creating your own life? Or is the force of fate (history, destiny, circumstance) encircling you from all sides, weaving its inexorable web around you so...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
