Best Friends

August 25, 2012

A few weeks ago, Ana and I celebrated the fourth anniversary of our wedding day. This was not as easy as it might sound. You see, up to that point we had been batting only about .333 on anniversaries together.

We were married on August 8, 2008 (8-08-08), under dramatically tumultuous skies, surrounded by a congregation of dear friends. As you can see (if you click and scroll down).

We’ve been delightedly wedded best friends ever since. (We were already best friends, but it was delicious to add in the wedded part.)

Our first anniversary, 8-08-09, we were on opposite sides of the planet.

Our second anniversary, we made it: 8-08-10, together and celebrating.

Our third anniversary, 8-08-11 — oops. Apart again. Couldn’t be helped. On the same continent, but hundreds of miles apart. She in Florida with her mom, me in Massachuetts, with our house, dogs, and daughter. Domestic obligations. Complicated.

So we held our breath. Here came spin-the-planet-around-the-sun Number Four. 8-08-12. Would we manage to arrange ourselves this time so that we would hit that day together in the very same geographic location?

We did.

We were off the plane and driving on our way to our hotel, when I told Ana, “You know, we agreed we wouldn’t get each other any gifts this year. And I didn’t.”

“I know,” she said.

“I mean, I really didn’t. I’m not just saying that so then I can surprise you by springing something on you that you won’t expect. I truly didn’t get you any gift.”

“I know,” she said. “I didn’t either. We agreed.”

I fumbled in my computer bag.

“But I did get you a card.”

I brought out the card. Here it is:


She glanced at it as she drove. Smiled. Reached down into the bag at her feet and pulled out an envelop.

“I got you one, too.”

She handed it to me.

Here it is:


Later we showed our cards to a few friends. One of them took a look and said to the others, “You know, I think they’re gonna make it.”

I think so too.

Wonder where we’ll land on 8-08-13 . . .


  1. Luke Melia

    So cute! Happy Anniversary to you both!

  2. Mark Given

    How perfect. My daughter would say…..way cool! Sorry I missed the congratulations until now.

  3. Bob Burg

    Wow – that’s really something. You guys kinda have a lot in common, doncha’?

    Happy Anniversary and best wishes for continued joy and best-friendship!

  4. Bill Ellis

    What a simple yet powerful story of true love. Not only do I know you two are going to make it as a couple I believe John that you have a shot at a writing career! 🙂
    All the best to you and Ana!

  5. HeatherO

    congrats to you both!

  6. Derek & Tina Cadotte

    Absolutely loved this post! Your way with words brought warm smiles to both Tina and I. You are wonderful people and we couldn’t be happier for you both. May your love for one another always make you feel like kids at heart. Happy belated anniversary. :o)

  7. Carly Alyssa Thorne

    Absolutely Beautiful… Many blessings to you both today and everyday…

  8. Zoie

    Totally sweet – Thanks for sharing the love of Ana & John!

  9. Mary Jo Hughes

    Congratulation John and Ana, Love like this keeps growing and growing. Together or apart you are in each others hearts. Best Wishes to you both now and forever.

  10. Grace

    Ah, yes ~ sealed with a KISS ♥, and so to commemorate this glorious 4th year, let me share with you a poem:

    Weddings are such treasures
    Two people joined together that day
    Promises of love ever after
    We all bow our heads and pray

    Each day is a challenge for everyone
    As marriage is a cherished occasion
    Locked together always
    Dreams of the romantic persuasion

    The couple comes together happily
    In front of all the smiling faces
    As vows are said so earnestly
    While everyone stands in their places

    We wish them well for years to come
    Hopefully happiness for ever and ever
    As they begin a life with their love
    And dreams of special endeavors

    It doesn’t matter the age, of course
    For it’s sealed with a loving kiss
    We say a prayer for each couple
    As they begin years of wedded bliss!

    Marilyn Lott

    PS: Larry and I both wish you a profound blessing for peace & joy through the year. You’ve got something to look forward to, in your upcoming celebration of year five on 08/08/2013. The number “5” indicates a dual meaning for me and you’s, since the number five symbolizes G R A C E… for without grace, we simply cannot make it through life. (Shall I get my plane ticket now?) Love and hugs to you both. Grace E. Powers


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