Musings on Money

June 9, 2009

Dixie Gillaspie, a good friend and Go-Giver trainer, just wrote me an email about money, in which she talked about growing with a father who was a product of the Great Depression, and growing into a sort of loathing of and resistance to money that she (like many of us, okay, most of us) has struggled to overcome.

“I have come to this understanding of money,” Dixie wrote. “It is nothing but a form of energy.”

I first stumbled over this truth about money (that it’s not actually palpable “stuff” but purely energy flow) as a teenager, when I first heard Buckminster Fuller speak. Bucky was the person who opened my eyes to a larger way of looking at the world.

Actually, that’s not quite true: C.S. Lewis came first. The last of the Narnia books so shook my junior-high world that I literally couldn’t go to school. I was so moved, affected, mind-blown and soul-stirred after finishing The Last Battle that my parents (bless them) let me stay home for a few days so I could recover my equanimity enough to go back to math, Latin and recess.

So Lewis plowed the brain-soil (soul-soil?) and then Bucky planted conceptual seeds.

What do an American secular futurist and British Christian apologist have in common? An extraordinarily generous view of the universe as a place of unlimited love and abundance.

Good foundation for an understanding of money.

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