
We just learned that The Go-Giver has been available for a while now in Afrikaans, under the title, Die Weg-Gewer: ’n Storie oor ’n Kragtige Sake-idee. You can find it here on the publisher’s site. While we can’t read Afrikaans, and neither Babelfish nor...

Unexpected Side Effects of Economic Implosion

A friend forwarded me an email from someone about doing a Twitter search on the phrase, “working on my novel.” “It’s like a car wreck,” the guy had written. “We were annoyed that everyone slowed down to look, but now we’re mesmerized.” Entries he’d found...

What I’m Reading

I am often asked some variation of the “How do I get started as a writer?” question. Here’s the best answer I know, and it’s in three parts: 1) just start writing; 2) be willing to right crap [later edit: Ana points out that should be “be willing to write crap”—I...

Looking Up to Michael

Michael J. Fox is the kind of person who makes people feel good just by walking into a room. In 2002 I delighted in reading Fox’s memoir, Lucky Man, which recounted his childhood and charmed career, his exit from alcoholism, entrance into Parkinson’s and exit from TV...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
