Intimidating Words

The hypothalamus transforms emotions into physical responses, which are communicated throughout the body in the form of neuropeptides… Did you get all that? I have to admit, my eyes glazed over before I was halfway through the sentence. I’m doing some research for a...

How to Start Writing

A reader asks: How did you get your start writing? I would love to do some of that, but have no confidence in my ability to express myself in print. I didn’t plan to grow up and become a writer. In my twenties, I did some editing and writing for some small journals....

What Happens When You Intend

Working on a second book for John Assaraf, I was doing a little research today on the word “intention,” and discovered a few fascinating points. The word intention literally means “to stretch in a certain direction.” It comes from the Latin tendere, meaning “to...

The Changing of the Guard

The other day I was set up to do an interview with Arjuna Ardagh, a most fascinating author and teacher. A few minutes before the time, he called: he had just returned from London, where he’d been to his father’s funeral, and wondered about the possibility of...

Impressive Achievements

As my bio says, I have a passion for great writing, and that passion compels me to share the following essay, which was possibly [see end note] written by a high school student as his college admissions essay for NYU. 3a) ESSAY: In order for the admissions staff of...
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On the first of each month I choose a quote from a great writer, muse on its implications for our lives, and send those thoughts on to you. It’s not really a “newsletter.” More like a museletter. I call it, “Mann’s Search for Meaning.”
