The Answer

Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life

  • New York Times bestseller

In August of 2007 I met with John Assaraf (of The Secret fame) and his long-time business partner Murray Smith to work on an ambitious project. The assignment: take the best of their decades of experience, know-how and insight, on everything from the Law of Attraction, quantum physics and cutting-edge neuroscience to business planning, entrepreneurship and strategic marketing, and transform it into a book-length guide to creating an exceptional life—and have it ready in ninety days. It was to be both the fastest and the biggest book project I’d ever attempted.

The result, published by Atria Books (a division of Simon & Schuster) the following May, is The Answer.

Foreign Language Editions

The Answer is also available in BulgarianChinese (traditional), Chinese (modern), Croatian, Czech, EstonianFrench, Hebrew, Hungarian, IndonesianItalian, Japanese, Korean, LatvianLithuanian, PolishRomanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish.

The Answer Reviews

“A brilliant formula for growing any business and living an extraordinary life.”
— Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits for Highly Effective People

“By far the best book I have ever read on how to use the law of attraction … to quantum leap the growth of any business. Required reading for all my staff and students.”
— Jack Canfield, The Success Principles

“The first and only book I’ve seen that teaches you how to harness all three of the laws of attraction, gestation and action together, to make extraordinary things start happening in your business right away.”
— Jay Abraham, Getting Everything You Can Out of Eveything You’ve Got

“A must-read for anyone interested in a new and much higher level of prosperity. John and Murray have helped me more than triple my business income and they can do the same for you.”
— Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.”

“One of the most exciting books I have ever read.”
— Suzanne Somers, actress and advocate

Excerpt from The Answer

Close your eyes for a moment and think about the greatest rewards you can imagine as you step into absolutely extraordinary levels of success. Whether it’s an amazing lifestyle, the home of your dreams, financial freedom, charitable giving or philanthropic work—whatever that dream looks like to you, picture yourself basking in it. Thank the pilot of your personal jet for waiting a few extra minutes while your family joins you on an exotic vacation; run your hands over the exquisite cabinetry in your vast, sunlit new kitchen; savor the feeling of knowing you’ll always have enough money to pay the bills, no matter their size; graciously accept the gratitude of the international relief agency to whom you have just contributed a gift of historic proportions.

Ahhh, that’s the dream. Then there’s the reality. Eyes back open now: what does your day-to-day life really look like? If what you see is worry, stress, overwhelm or uncertainty, or if it simply isn’t everything you want it to be, then this book is for you.

Maybe you’re a small business owner who started a few years ago with big goals and bigger dreams, but now things seem to have stalled. Are you working harder and harder, but not really seeing results? If so, you’re not alone: in North America alone, there are more than 25 million small business owners just like you, most of them facing a predicament just like yours.

Or perhaps you are an executive, department head, or manager for a large company, looking for ways to grow your business out of a slump, to set yourself apart from the internal competition, to take your own income to the next level. Perhaps you’re that business’s CEO or CFO, looking to make a major impact on the company’s future.

Or, you might be one of the 73 percent of Americans who want to start their own business but hesitate to take the plunge. You’ve heard that 95 percent of new businesses close their doors within five years, and you don’t want to become another statistic. You’re worried that you don’t have what it takes, that the competition’s too stiff and the risks too high, that you’ll run out of money, that you’ll find yourself in over your head.

Still, you don’t want to let go of that dream of finally watching your business take off. Of being your own boss. Of changing lives for the better while generating big profits—doing well by doing good. Of being on the cover of Fortune magazine. Of having the corporate jet or limousine waiting to take you to your next client meeting. Of creating a foundation that will use your wealth to address the major problems in the world long after you’re no longer with us.

There’s the dream and then there’s the reality—and for millions of people, the two just don’t look like they’ll ever match up. But they should, and they can. That’s why we wrote The Answer.

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